Monday, October 17, 2005

Taking a Break...

Well, my medical issues are getting worse. I'm on 4 medications right now just to keep me functioning at a normal level. I'm in pain every day--I'm down to 1 can of soup a day, a few saltines, and jello if I'm lucky. I landed myself in the hospital again last week. More tests were run, more normal results came up. I had to miss my sister's wedding because my Dr. recommended that I not fly--her wedding was in Florida this weekend, I'm in Michigan. I'm leaving school for the rest of the semester, and possibly next semester. My parents want to take me to either the Cleveland Clinic or the Mayo Clinic since my Dr's are, in my opinion, not doing what they need to be doing.

I don't know how much I'll be able to update my blog. If I go into the hospital, updates will be nill. Hopefully we can get this figured out soon. Once I leave school I'll be losing all of my scholarships so it might be a little rough going back to school. Hope ya'll are doing well.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Hey Everybody...

Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted. It's been kind of rough these last few days. Currently I'm deciding if I can make it through another semester or just drop out for a semester or 2 and figure out what's wrong with me medically. It's a tough decision to make, I'm against dropping out but when faced with the decision, it seems like dropping out is the best choice. I have another month before I have to make up my mind, but I get the feeling that in a month I won't have made up my mind.

In other news, work is going very well. We have a great group of kids this year...after the first few weeks they turned into little angels. Sure, they have their moments, but overall they're a good group. Now my 2nd grade group that I'm working with, some of them are a real handful. I know some kids are disrespectful and rude, but they have their moments where you wonder if they've ever been disciplined in their lives. Then they have their moments where they come up and hug you. Or tell you you're the best student teacher they've ever had. They always seem to know exactly when to turn on the charm too--like when I'm at the end of my rope with them.

Other then that, nothing new has been going on here. It's been raining like crazy here, just about every day. And the fall colors are starting to show. Unfortunately, the weather can't make up it's mind between being really really hot or really really cold. One day it'll be 40, 2 days later it'll be 80. A good 60 with a nice breeze would be perfect.