Monday, March 06, 2006


I've always been an anxious person. I'm not 100% sure why I get so anxious, but I am nontheless. I had it under control for awhile. However, lately it's been getting the best of me--in the form of panic attacks. Nothing major, but enough to disrupt my day and once or twice I've even had to leave class because of them. I used to be on medication for it, but I went off of it last May. I was doing fairly well off of it until I became ill last year and that sent my anxiety through the roof. I had my surgery, got everything figured out, and didn't really think much of it. In my mind, the thing that was causing the anxiety was gone-(being ill and being told that I was perfectly fine and it was all in my head)-so the anxiety would be gone as well. I was naive. I am to a point now where I'm having mild panic attacks a minimum of 3 times a week and usually I end up having as many as 8 or 9 in a week. I'm going to see the Dr. and a counselor on Friday and Monday, respctively, but the question now becomes do I medicate myself again, or do I just suck it up and be a ball of anxiety? Questions, questions....the worst part isn't the anxiety attacks, but worrying about the anxiety attacks-(how's that for messed up?) What to do, what to do? Time will only tell I guess. Wish me luck!


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