I Used To Be Normal...
Until I started my job at the Child Development Center a year ago. Scary things happen to your brain when you work with kids. Here's my list of how to know if you work with kids:
1. You can remember all of the words The Wiggles "Fruit Salad" song, but you can't remember 1/2 of the words to a favorite song on the radio.
2. You have a favorite kids song, but not a favorite adult song.
3. You hum kids songs in your college classes because they're stuck in your head.
4. You believe that anything less than 10 potty accidents a day is doing good.
5. You firmly believe that potty training is an art.
6. You fight the urge to remind everybody to wash their hands after going to the bathroom.
7. You almost put a kid at the park in time out for not behaving.
8. You have to make an effort to talk to adults in a 'normal' voice.
9. You believe that parents who send nothing but candy in their kids lunches are out to get you.
10. When you cut food up, it's always in bite size peices so that nobody will choke--even if you're giving it to adults.
lol... a friend of mine (a fellow mom) did number 10 to me.
amazing what happens when your around kids all the time!
btw.. thanks for stopping by my site.
My husband constantly complains about the "voice" I use with him - whoops!
LOL--I don't do all of this stuff, (especially since my demons are nowpast the pre-school stage)but I am guilty of a few.We had a full grown man come in here last week with his shoelaces all untied and it was all I could do not to tell him to tie them before he tripped!
Fruit salad, yummy yummy!
Our favorite Wiggles song!
Now it won't leave my brain for a week.
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