Swearing in Schools..
Apparently if you go to school in a certain town in England, it is okay to swear in class. The school in this town recently passed a rule that will allow each student to swear up to 5 times per class period. The teacher then keeps a tally on the board and if a student swears more than 5 times they are "talked to." You can read the article for yourself if you'd like: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9132814/
I personally think that this is ridiculous. To swear at a teacher, or even in class is unacceptable in my book. Granted this rule was passed mainly for 15 & 16 year olds, it's still incredibly irresponsible on the part of the administration. Now, don't think I'm against the English. I am English myself. I understand how their schooling system works but to swear in a classroom and ALLOW it is just stupid. What do you think?
That is really stupid.
Swearing is a crude way of communication...it is for people who are not intelligent enough to articulate their thoughts in a civilized manner.
I loathe cussing.
Allowing them to swear up to 5 times is the same as counting to 10 when a child is misbehaving. All it does is give permission for inappropriate behaviour to continue to occur and frusterate the authority figure charged with ensuring a respectful atmosphere. There is too much pussy-footing around with students these days. Make a firm stand and stick to it. Set the bar higher and demand better behaviour. Our society as a whole needs to pull up their socks!
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