Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Hi everybody. I know it's been awhile since I last updated but today is the first day since I came back to my dad's that I've had access to the internet. I'm moving to University on Friday so I will start posting again on Saturday or Sunday. I'm still sick, next week will be week number 8 of this damned illness that I have. I went to see a specialist and he too said that it was probably my gallbladder but unless he's 100% sure that's what it is, he won't cut me open. And insurance won't cover it unless they know, without a doubt, that it is my gallbladder. So I will continue to slurp my noodles and chicken broth and hope that I either get really sick so that have no choice but to operate, or get better really fast. Hope everybody is doing well. I will update this weekend. Take Care.


Blogger Judy said...

Get better soon! No fun to be sick!

4:05 PM  

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