Thursday, July 28, 2005

Bye Bye Semester #5...

As of 7:23 this morning, I have successfully completed my 5th semester of college. It doesn't feel like I've been in college for 2 1/2 years, but I have. Just 2-(well, 1 1/2 if all goes well) more years to go. I'm feeling good-(with the exception of still being sick and unable to eat much of anything)- I have 2 weeks of work left, and then it's off to the Dr's to figure out what in the hell is wrong with me. 500-600 calories a day just isn't cutting it. I need food, I want food, I crave food all day long and then I eat and I feel like crap. If it weren't for the anti-nausea medicine I don't know what kind of condition I would be in. Bless the Dr. who gave it to me, I love him. It's kind of scary to think that July is almost over. It seems like last week I was celebrating Independence Day at the bay with my boyfriend. Oh well, here's to a happy August everybody!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by today. I can't believe it's August already! Good luck with all the food issues. Hope it clears itself up soon.

9:36 PM  
Blogger Judy said...

Did you cut out 500-600 calories or is that your intake? That isn't a lot AT ALL...I think my five year old eats more than that. Take care of yourself - hope the doctor has some answers for you!

11:16 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Last Girl on Earth,
Great site! It's crazy that July just flew by so fast. And thanks, I hope it clears up soon as well.

4:41 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

500-600 calories a day is my intake right now, and it's definately not by choice. That's all I can keep down during the day. I will take care of myself, and I have an absolutely wonderful boyfriend who has been great throughout this whole ordeal. I'm hoping the Dr. has some answers too!

4:43 PM  

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