I'm Back...
Hey ya'll, thanks for the comments. I'm doing better. Turns out that my gallbladder hates me-at least that's what my Dr's are thinking. I'm going to a specialist in August and there's still a possibility of surgery. But, alas, I made it through the x-rays, IV's, HIDA Scan, ultrasound, and catheter and I am back. Not a whole lot to report...T spent most of my days sleeping and feeling sick. Once and awhile I'd have to trot over to the hospital for a test. All in all it was pretty boring, but I guess when you're drugged and ordered to bed rest there's not a whole lot else to do but sleep and watch tv-(my dad only gets 1 channel at his house). Hopefully I'll have some interesting updates soon, when I think of something to write about. Have a great Wednesday...we're 1/2 way to the weekend!
Catheters and IV's. Eww. Sorry. Glad you're back :-)
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