Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Is it August Yet???

I can't wait for school to start again. I want to go back to college, go back to the job that I love doing, and not have to clean up after 3-(or 4, or even 5--depending on what day of the week it is) people. Plus, I've gotten the vibe more then once that I don't belong in this apartment. At least at college I have my own place and nobody makes me feel like I'm not welcome. I try and try and try to make everybody here happy and fail miserably. There's always something else that needs to be done, or something that isn't good enough, or maybe I didn't do enough-(according to the others), or I went to bed too early, or I spent to much time in my room "hibernating" and didn't socialize enough with the people who showed up at the door, or perhaps I just take things to personally and I need to learn to 'not be so sensitive'..the list goes on. I'm ready to punch the next person who tells me that I'm too sensitive. There are reasons I take some things personally. The people around me just don't seem to understand that--or maybe they just don't care. I do the things I do for a reason, but again--nobody bothers to listen to the reasons. They just say what they say and do what they do--then walk away like it's no big deal. Arguing against what they say in an effort to stand up for myself is a joke. I'm labeled as a bitch, PMSing, crabby, or just flat out ignored. I'm to the point now where I'm going to stay at college through the summer and just visit here, not live here. I can't do this for another summer--not unless some stuff changes--I don't want to put myself in a situation (again) where I have no way out. I guess the best thing to do is make the best of it till August and then write this whole moving for the summer thing off as a bad choice and a lesson learned.


Blogger Judy said...

The good news is that summer is a finite time frame, and school for you IS just around the a week or two it will be July 4th, and then it is the home stretch until school starts again.

At least, that's the way I'm looking at it - I'm ready for school to start here, too, if only to give my soon-to-be 6 year old something else to do other than tell me how bored he is!

5:25 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Haha...I remember how I used to drive my mother nuts about being bored in the summer. Then she found that she could send me away to full day camp that was only a mile away. She'd drop me off at 8 and pick me up at 5.

6:12 PM  

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