Sunday, July 16, 2006

I'm Bored!!!

The words every babysitter, teacher, and parent hates to hear from their child/children. I babysat for 3 kids today and shortly after they woke up & ate breakfast, they started complaining about being bored. So to get rid of the boredom we did a few things:

1. Played on their scooters

2. Went for a 30 minute walk

3. Ate lunch

4. Colored with chalk

5. Played with bubbles twice

6. Played with play-doh

7. Made books

8. Colored

And what do you think they said as soon as I took 15 minutes out of the day to make their lunch and feed the baby??? Yup, you got it. "I'M BORED!!!"


Blogger Judy said...

Okay, you are a GODDESS for doing all that with them! They are lucky to have you as a babysitter!

10:57 PM  
Blogger Bone said...

Bubbles, play-doh, and coloring? That would keep me entertained for awhile :)

2:53 PM  

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