Thursday, April 07, 2005

Teachers that drive me up the wall...

You know how sometimes you just want to strangle your co-workers. Well, I work with a number of other teachers and respect them, sometimes they just don't think.
Like the teacher who put out paint and markers for the kids to play with at the art table and then walked away and ignored them. She didn't ask anybody to watch the kids for her for a few minutes, she didn't sit with them, she didn't tell them to put paint smocks on so they wouldn't get their clothes too messy. No, she put the stuff on the table and walked away. Obviously, there was a HUGE mess when the kids were done. And better yet, she complained about the mess and even went as far as to say "why didn't anybody watch them?" Um..HELLO!!! When you put materials out for the kids to play with, especially messy materials, YOU are responsible for either watching them yourself or getting somebody else to watch them. That's your JOB.

Or how about the teacher who gets out glue, paper, paint, and stuff to glue to the paper, but neglects to put newspaper down on the table. She then tells 2 & 3 year olds to "not get any paint on the table." Um, okay. Now, let's think about this. When the kids dip the paintbrush into the paint, it is naturally going to drip. And glue, kids that age use WAY to much glue for everything so that gets all over. And if you put out stuff in a container for the kids to glue to the paper, they're almost always going to dump it out. What gets me the most is that she'll clean up the stuff just before she has to leave to go to a class and then I'm stuck washing off the table. Glue does not come off of these tables easily.

Why don't people think? I mean, really. Who in their right mind would give a 2 year old a marker and say "here, go ahead." Then walk away. What the hell do you think is going to happen?????? Then the teacher gets mad at the kid for doing what any normal 2 year old would do with a marker and no supervision--color all over himself and everything else. Or better yet, take the top off and just walk around with it in his hand, not paying attention to what he's marking up--like kids shirts, teacher's pants, tables, shelves, toys, books...The list goes on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing how it seems like there are no standards for teaching, anymore. High school is bad enough when you have a shitty teacher, but preschool teachers need to be responsible, respectful, concerned, and kind because little kids are so malleable.

7:42 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I too feel that there are too few standards for teaching. And I completely agree with a preschool teacher needing to be responsible, respectful, etc. Children are malleable, what we do as preschool teachers will affect their learning curve for the rest of their life.

11:03 PM  

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