Monday, April 11, 2005

Feelings, Stress, and Other Random Stuff

Do you ever get the feeling that you're just not good enough? Everyday when I walk into work I have all intentions of doing well and being a good teacher and treating the kids with the respect and dignity that every person on this earth deserves. Then certain kids-(or teachers)-keep pushing and pushing until I snap. I get to a point sometimes where I just feel like I'm not good enough to be a teacher, girlfriend, daughter, roommate or student. That's kind of where I'm at right now. I'm feeling very down, very out of it. All I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep. I don't want to get up tomorrow to go to work. I don't even want to be there. I love the kids, my boss is wonderful, and I really do enjoy working there. But I just don't feel that I'm good enough to be there.

I guess it might be because it was not a good day today at work. I generally do a lot of extra things at work just to take the workload off of the other teachers because I know how it can be when you have a million things to do in a small amount of time. One of the teachers today went to go get her lunch so in addition to washing and setting the tables, like I always do for lunchtime, I took the time to go through all of the children's lunches-(18 of them)-and put out what needed to be heated up so that when the teacher who went to go get her lunch got back, all she had to do was throw them in the microwave and not worry about going through all the lunchboxes. Well, I missed one. I opened it and I didn't see the item that needed to be heated up. It was a simple mistake, I was in a hurry, and I just missed it altogether. Well, this particular teacher started in on me with comments like "God Jen, way to miss one." and other shit like that. I snapped. It had been a long morning, I was the only one on the floor from 7-9am. I was tired, and lunchtime is always stressful because we're always rushing to get things out on time because the kids are usually starving by noon.

I don't want to go in tomorrow. I don't want to face my boss because I know I shouldn't have snapped, I don't want to face this teacher because I'm still aggravated over the whole thing. And another thing, this incident with this teacher is not an isolated incident. Every day she's there-(3 days a week) she makes some kind of rude, sarcastic, or totally unnecessary comment and I really just can't handle it anymore.

I'm stressed out like hell because I've got exams coming up, plus moving, summer school, and trying to find a job. I need a soft place to fall and I don't have one. I feel like the more I search for a soft place to fall, the further away from it I get. Sometimes you just need a shoulder, or somewhere to relax. At the moment, I don't have one. Any ideas?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've come across a few things that have kept away feelings of worthlessness.

First, it really helps to be assertive in everything you do. I don't know if this is a problem for you, but I went through a really passive phase. I always took the blame for everything, apologized when I wasn't responsible, and the like. I've been trying lately to stay strong and self-confident, and not let people walk over me. You can get to the point where you start alienating people by becoming too aggressive, but there's a happy medium in there somewhere.

Another thing I've noticed that contributes to feelings of worthlessness is stress, plain and simple. While I'm not a visibly stressed person, I have a tendency to let things build and build until I can't carry them around with me anymore. Then I start feeling incompetent, like I can't take on these challenges, or I'll never be able to finish my tasks.

What's helped me with stress a lot is tai chi. Although you do have to make time for it, which for you sounds like it would be pretty difficult, it relieves a lot of stress for me and gives me good focus.

Well, there's where I stand on the issue. I hope you figure things out!

7:23 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Good ideas. Thank you. When I have time I do yoga. I don't know if tai chi is like yoga or not, but that's what I do sometimes. Thanks for the ideas!

11:01 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Hi Janet, thanks for visiting my blog! I have a question though, what exactly is an IA? I'm just curious...

7:40 PM  

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