Monday, April 18, 2005

Yelling vs. Spanking

Do you yell at your kids? Or know somebody who does? If so, you might want to take a look at this article. I am definately a yeller. I found the article to be really interesting. I especially like some of the techniques they offer to prevent yourself from yelling. I know at the Center I work at I have used the Invading the Child's Space. I've only had to do this 3 or 4 times since I began working there almost a year ago, and it works wonders. All of the teachers use the Insist Once, Act Immediately. The first is just a simple warning, "if you do ___ again, you will be asked to leave the area." If they do it again, they are asked to leave the area. If the behavior continues, they are put in time out. The kids all know this and we have little or no arguing. I have also had a teacher watch my area and go off to floor to take 5 minutes to cool down. This doesn't always work though because by the time I come back either the teacher has neglected to watch the area or has let the kids make a mess and then leave. So I'm stuck cleaning up.

What techniques do you use with your preschoolers?


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